

It's all about darcy.

Darcy 12 weeks old

It's like having a new baby, 4 feeds a day, late nights, early mornings and lots of crying.
Darcy has been part of our family for a little over two weeks now and she's fitting in just fine.
The children love her, and shes great company for me during the day.
Crying, yes she crys when the children are getting ready for school she runs around taking their shoes and putting them into her bed. Then she sits by the door and crys lol.

We just can't wait to take her out for a walk, shes had her first lot of injections and gets the next lot this Thursday, then we have to wait a week before shes safe to go out walking but it couldn't be better timing as the children break up for half term on that special day.
So I guess half term week will be walking week.


Timi said...

I love Darcy!!!! She is sooooo cute!!!
You are very lucky to have such a lovely dog :o)!

Tracy said...

I love that one ear up one ear down look very cute! Thanks for your email jo I will reply just trying to catch up, I'm a bit behind which is the story of my life happy dog walking

Raggy Rat said...

i would love to cuddle up with her ! xxx

Valspierssews said...

Darcy is very cute. Pets are such special friends.

Pennyblossoms said...

Cute, cute cute!
Z xx